My Partners

Optimising competence case by case

One stop shop of individual competence and institutional links

Co-creation, picking the best

Organics&Development - Markus Arbenz is my registered single person company with minimal structures and bureaucratic requirements. I collaborate closely with my network of extraordinary skilled, committed and trusted experts. They inspire and contribute case by case so that mandates benefit from taylor made teams in a wide range of expertise.

Meet some of them:

Sebastiaan Huismann, Germany

System Conversion in Practise and Biodynamic Farm Management

Sebastiaan runs big biodynamic and organic operations and is the energy behind transition of whole regions into organic farming including for production, processing and marketing. He plans and implements businesses. He is also livestock breeding specialist for lifetime performance. Link

Martin Bossard, Switzerland

Agriculture Policy Setting and Advocacy

Martin is a sharp analyst of the agriculture political environment. He identifies smart strategies and advocates for organic farmers, processors and marketers. True cost accounting, seed policies and non-GMO policies are his favourite fields. Link

Konrad Hauptfleisch, South Africa/ Germany

STARFISH- ORGANIC Leadership and Capacity Building

With his company Starfish Organic, he is building organic leadership in his courses and facilitates capacity building. Konrad is a strong moderator of small and big groups. Link

Geertje Otten and Bert-Jan Ottens, Netherlands

ProFound - Advisors in Development for Value Chains

They are experts in developing sustainable value chains for natural ingredients for food, cosmetics and health. ProFound supports sustainable sourcing and links natural ingredients producers to the market. Main services are market analyses, compliance and market entry and they are initiator and host of the Organic Africa Pavilion at BioFach. link

Bernward Geier, Germany

COLABORA- Let`s work Together - Events, Films and Awards

Bernward is journalist, book author and filmmaker. He is skilled in creating momentum for events particularly for organic conferences and organic awards with an impressive network and knowledge about inspiring personalities and initiatives. link

I am formally linked with the Research Institute for Organic Agriculture, FiBL and with IFOAM Organics International, the global organic umbrella.

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